-20/8/2020 After tremendous efforts by Prof. Liu and team members, the materials data web https://atomly.net is formly released! Check it out here...
-01/7/2020 Shiqi's work on laser picoscopy by high harmonics generation in collaboration with the Rostock U. team is published in Nature. Also check the commentary in Nature
-15/11/2019 Hang, Linan, and Jiyu have successfully defended their respective thesis. Congrats!
-12/6/2017 The Lab hosts the First International Workshop on Materials Genome Infrastructure and Materials Design (MGIMD) on June 12-13, 2017 which attracts 200+ attendees worldwide. Check conference website http://materialsgenome.csp.escience.cn
-16/4/2016 The Lab takes one day off to see peach flowers in Pinggu District and JinHai Lake.
-17/3/2014 The Lab welcomes Peng Zhao, Jiyu Xu, and Linan Meng to work for their diplola. Welcome!
-07/9/2013 Fan wins the "best poster" award at the ChinaNano2013 international confenrence. Only 20 out of ~900 posters have been awarded such a prize. Congrats to Fan! Check HERE for the certificate.
19/5/2013 The group spent an exciting day bicycling to the Fragnant Hill and have a picnic!
22/3/2013 Chongqin, Hui, and Yongfeng's work on water droplets on strained surface is published in PRL. Congrats! Check the news on IOP, CAS, and CAS English Websites.
19/10/2012 Jin Zhang joins the lab to start on his diploma work. Welcome Jin!
21/9/2012 Dr. Hui Li joins the lab as an associate professor. Welcome Hui!
28/8/2012 Yang and Fan has published a paper 'Structure–Property Relations in All-Organic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells' in Advanced Functional Materials (IF=10), DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201201831. Congratulations to Yang and Fan! Highlighted by CAS web.